A Gift for Christmas

“What do you want for Christmas?” ….. a typical question this time of year and one that has been posed to me several times over the past few weeks.  8000 miles away from what has been my Christmas “norm” (for many years) brings it’s own unique challenges and realities.  I look at the people we serve … with no consistent food or water for many days.  I look at our financial ministry accounts that are no longer “low” but now RED.  BUT I also look at what God has promised for 2014.  I celebrate the birth of our Savior! Jesus said, “I come that you might have life more abundantly.”  Not only did He mean eternal life BUT abundance in this life as well.  Abundance for the people we serve may mean at least three (3) meals in A WEEK rather than one (1) meal; OR it may mean a cup of water with only a few parasites rather than one with many parasites and traces of elephant dung.  My heart aches for this ministry and the people we serve!  NOT just for Christmas 2013, BUT for everyday of their lives.   God distributes HIS abundance through willing "flesh and blood" vessels on this earth just like you!   

So … “WHAT DO I WANT NEED FOR CHRISTMAS?”… We need $10,000 by December 25th!!   

Many of you can make a $1000 donation right now and it not impact you … thank you in advance!  Others can give other amounts, but EVERY donation is a step closer to our goal! ALL gifts are TAX DEDUCTIBLE! Please click on the photo below to make your on-line donation:
then email us at kenyabelieveit2011@gmail.com that you have donated!!!  You may also mail tax-deductible donations to: The Mission Society, Attn: Crawley/Pass - Acct. #3020SUP, 6234 Crooked Creek Road, Norcross, GA 30092.  
We look forward to sharing the GREAT testimony on Dec. 27th!!!  On behalf of our villages in Kenya and Ken-Ya Believe It ….. THANK YOU for your sacrifice and MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!!! 

Rev. Sonji

Thanks, Blessings, Sleepless Nights and A Vehicle!

Thanks... to all of our donors!  Thanks to Bishop Alexander and The Park Church, Charlotte, NC, for your current financial support.  Thanks to everyone who prays for us on a consistent basis. Without your prayers we would not survive!  Your prayers sustain us, daily!  Special thanks to ALL of our financial donors.  It's not the size of your gift but the consistent sacrifice you make so that we can serve full - time in Kenya.  Thank you!  AND to every person that has emailed, texted, called, or mailed a package...Thank you!  Thank you!  Thank you!  May God continue to richly bless each of you and return to you one hundred-fold all you have given to expand the Kingdom of our God.

Blessings.... God has blessed us immensely in 2013.  The year has been rewarding and exciting in many ways.  Rekindled new kinships, developed new kinships, expanded ministry and much more.  Highlights include "two" visions that God allowed to come true, by way of hosting Interns and the successful launch of Kamp Kenya.  It was our desire to provide the ultimate cross - cultural adventure for youth, from the US, between the ages of 13 - 18.  That dream came true, this year, as we hosted eight youth and two chaperones, from The Park Church (TPC), for thirteen days.  We were also able to host three Interns for the summer, two from TPC for eight weeks, and one student from Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN, for five weeks.  Our next blog will have more details about how both of these amazing opportunities blessed us, the participants and so many of our Kenyan sisters and brothers.
Interns with Tittiyo!
Sleepless Nights... God has also sustained us through many sleepless nights, disappointments, stressful days and family illnesses.  God continues to show himself as the ALL SUFFICIENT ONE!  Through the Holy Spirit, we experienced Christ as friend, comforter, keeper, healer, deliver and provider of all things.  Thanks to everyone who prayed for (and continues to pray for) our families during their illnesses and during our time in the US.  Rev. Crawley's Mother (Sylvia) is a walking miracle and God continues to bless and keep her Mom and her Dad... Great IS thy faithfulness.  Rev. Pass' Brother (Jeffrey), is a physical manifestation of...by His stripes we are healed.  We ask that you continue to pray not only for Mom Crawley and Brother Jeffrey, but for our families, as a whole.

Just a sample photo.
Vehicle... Ken-Ya Believe It?  .....we are STILL in desperate need of a vehicle.  April 2014 will mark two years of full - time service in Kenya.  Praise God!  Where has the time gone?  That means we have been "Serving Christ in Kenya" without our own transportation for the same length of time, YET, God has been and still is faithful.  He continues to exceed our expectations, as we serve Him.  He continues to remind us that He alone is the provider of ALL things.  In the midst of the disappointments and struggles He continues to whisper "that they my see, and know, and consider, and understand together, that the hand of the Lord hath done this, and the Holy One of Israel hath created it" (Isaiah 41:20).  No man or women can lay claim to what He has done in our lives; in, with and through the ministry in Kenya.   

You may remember our attempt to raise $25,000 for an all - terrain vehicle, while in the US last Spring.  Unfortunately, we were unable to meet our goal.  In addition, we were anticipating the receipt of $5,000 to purchase a small vehicle for local transportation, UNTIL we could raise the money needed to purchase the all - terrain vehicle.  We found several small vehicles (the first deal fell through) but we were unable to secure the funds to make the purchase.  Now, we are forfeiting the small vehicle and are focusing ALL of our efforts on obtaining funds to purchase the all - terrain vehicle.  We need a minimum of $12,000USD to purchase the vehicle and need all of the funds by the end of December.  WE NEED YOUR HELP, TODAY!

Allow us to share some of the positives and the negatives of NOT having our own transportation, for the last nineteen months: 

The Positive:
  • We get exercise.....walk....walk....walk. (Although not advisable in certain parts of Nairobi).
  • We have developed new relationships with natives, as a result of our creative means of travel. 
  • Established relationships have been strengthened, again, as a result of our creative means of travel.  Local business owners extended their transportation services, in order to help us serve more effectively (Example: During tourism off season, two individuals that own transportation companies offer their personal vehicles and company vans, free of charge and/or with major discount prices, in order to decrease our expenses).  This is an AMAZING testimony to the favor of God when you understand Kenyan Culture.
The Negative:
  • We are having to pay some ministry expenses from our own pockets, out of our small annual salary.  This is NOT our preference we are grateful that God continues to stretch what we have for ministry purposes and our personal needs are met.
  • We have passed on/forfeited ministry opportunities due to the lack of resources for and/or transportation.
  • Safety of vehicle-for-hire is a major concern.  Many times if the rate is cheaper the vehicle may not be in the best condition for travel.
  • The transportation budget line item was completely exhausted the first six months of the year.
  • Cost of hiring a vehicle within Nairobi is $35USD, per day.
  • Cost of hiring an all - terrain vehicle for travel to and from Isiolo, is $350 for three days (50% more than 2012).  Isiolo is 3 1/2 hours from Nairobi and then to "the bush".
Benefits of Owning a Vehicle:

  • The vehicle will meet our needs and decrease our current monthly transportation budget by approximately $500 per month.
  • With our own vehicle we would only incur the cost of fuel and maintenance.
  • Confidence in safety of vehicle, as maintenance of the vehicle would be ours.
  • Ability to expand and respond to ministry needs as the opportunity presents itself.

So how Ken-Ya help?  We are asking you to give in one of the following categories:

  1. Be 1 of 3 people to give $4,000 and we have the $12,000 we need for the vehicle.
  2. Be 1 of 6 people to give $2,000 and we have the $12,000 we need for the vehicle.
  3. Be 1 of 12 people to give $1,000 and we have the $12,000 we need for the vehicle.
  4. Be 1 of 24 people to give $500 and we have the $12,000 we need for the vehicle.
  5. Be 1 of 48 people to give $250 and we have the $12,000 we need for the vehicle
  6. Be one of many that donate towards the $12,000 we need for the vehicle.
Which one will you do, TODAY?  All donations are tax - deductible.  Make your donation BEFORE December 31, 2013.  Make it a group project to increase the size of your donation!  Organize your group, share our need(s) for the vehicle, choose an amount to donate, set a collection date and a donation date and MAKE IT HAPPEN!  This is an opportunity for you to become a donor and partner with the ministry in Kenya, and a great way to help us serve more effectively.  WE NEED YOUR SUPPORT TODAY!  

Here's how to donate for the vehicle.   ALL DONATIONS ARE TAX - DEDUCTIBLE.  ALL donations must be mailed to The Mission Society.  Donations must be specific to the vehicle.  Please write:  CRAWLEY/PASS VEHICLE on the memo line.

Mail to:
The Mission Society
P. O. Box 922637
Norcross, GA 30010

You may also donate online by clicking on one of the "DONATE TODAY" buttons in the right-hand column of this page.  Remember, even online, ALL donations must include the Memo: CRAWLEY/PASS VEHICLE.

Email us at kenyabelieveit2011@gmail.com with questions. 


Sonia Crawley and Sonji Pass

2014 Kenya Women's Mission

An Informational Meeting for the 2014 Kenya Women's Mission will be held at The Park Church - Independence, from 2pm - 3pm, Room AA217. Please forward ALL inquiries to theparkmissionkenya@gmail.com.

Our Kenyan Version of Uncle Si: He thought he could see also....

Sooo, after hitting three speed bumps at a high speed and hearing "sorry, sorry" (don't forget to roll the R), AND after driving into a hole large enough for the entire left side of the vehicle to disappear (and again hear "sorry, sorry" - roll the R again)....I decided to ask our dear friend, brother and driver, Francis, a question. 

Me: Francis 

Him: Yes.

Me: Do you need spectacles?

Him: Who me? (Laughter)

Me: (and Sonji) - Laughter). Yes.

Him: No. I can see. My eyes are good. I didn't SEE the hole. (lots of laughter).

Us: More laughter.

Me: Mmmmmm...are you sure?

Him: Yes. I can see. (Laughter). You are enjoying me.

Us: Wow! I guess we are.....really?

Still NOT convinced that our brother can see.


Love Francis...and he will drive for us again. Just NOT tomorrow. 

By Sonia C.

Praise Report!

After a year and a half of prayer, meetings, prayer meetings, paperwork, many office visits, standing in lines, patience, PRAYER, blood, sweat, tears and MORE PRAYERS....our Kenya Work Visas have been finalized.  Thank you Lord!  Thanks for all the prayers and encouragement. ...to God be the glory!

Kamp Kenya: The Team has Departed!

These youth, from The Park Church, are headed to Kamp Kenya!  They departed Charlotte, North Carolina this morning and are headed our way.  We were able to speak to them, by telephone, after they arrived in New Jersey.  Praise God for safe travel.  Please continue to pray for safe travel and arrival to Kenya.  

We look forward to seeing and experiencing how God will use each one of them, along with their Chaperones, Rev. Jacotron Potts and Mrs. Juanita Lewis.  Our Interns and many others in Kenya anxiously await their arrival.

Photo By Trina Perryman Johnson

Stay tuned for updates!

Updates provided via:

Visit our website:  www.kenyabelieveit.org


Rev. Sonia and Rev. Sonji

Interns: At-A-Glance

Greetings All,

This last week has been a world wind, in a good way!

The Lord blessed our Interns with safe travel and arrival to Kenya.  And we are grateful!  On behalf of Omega, Onnica, Nakisha and the two of us (Rev. Sonia and Rev. Sonji) thank you for your prayers!

Karibu Kenya!
Onnica and Nakisha arrived on Fri., June 14th from the US.  At the point of this photo it had not yet set in that they were actually in Kenya.  We all were still processing the reality of the dream and vision God planted several years ago.

Interns and Texas Mission Team members.
Sunday we attended services at Ridgeways Baptist Church, where Pastor Elijah is the Senior Pastor.  We worshiped at Youth Church and Onnica and Nakisha shared their testimonies, along with these beautiful ladies, from Texas, USA.  As a matter of fact, they traveled with Miss Black USA 2010-2011.  It was a pleasure and an honor to be in the same service; to encourage and support one another,  while doing the same for the youth at Ridgeways.

Karibu Kenya!
Omega arrived on Sun., June 16th, from China.  She arrived early in the afternoon and still had energy to spare.  Karibu Kenya, Omega!

First day of Swahili classes.
Last week the Interns began Swahili lessons at The Language Center, in Nairobi.  The school is approximately a two-mile walk from our home.  They will attend classes three days a week.  They LOVE their Mwalimu (teacher) Linah.  And if you could sit in just one of her classes you would fully understand.  She's an absolute delight and makes learning fun.  Can you tell we she was our teacher also?  Hahaha...

All smiles from Titiyo.
The ladies traveled with us to Nyahururu, which is about three hours outside of Nairobi.  We visited our little boy Titiyo, at P.A.C.E. Academy.  You might remember Titiyo from one of our communities in Isiolo.  Missionary Janice and Dr. Dorris introduced us to P.A.C.E. and we are glad about it.  Thank you!  Because of "one" sponsor in the US Titiyo is now receiving a quality education.  Praise God!  We ask that you pray for Titiyo because he is having some difficulty in school.  This is mainly due to the fact that he began school so late so he's a little behind.  BUT God!  We are grateful for the wonderful staff at the school, especially his teacher, who goes above and beyond the call of duty to provide tutoring, outside of the normal school hours.  It is our prayer that God will bless his Mwalimu, and restore all that she has given as a sacrifice to ensure Titiyo's success in school.

Pastor Mugu led us on a tour of the academy.  But, in these photos you see Titiyo proudly giving us a tour of his classroom.  He's also sharing his Exercise Books and classwork.  We are not sure who was more proud, Titiyo or us.  What a major testimony to the faithfulness of God!
Pastor Mugu and Titiyo.

An added bonus to our time in Nyahururu was the time spent with Dr. Dorris and her two Interns, Ebony and Alyse.  Special thanks to Dr. Dorris for welcoming us into her home for a meal.  We all had a great time sharing stories, eating and just plain old fellowship.  We look forward to seeing these wonderful women of God before they leave Kenya.  Group photo!
Our visit with Dr. Dorris and her Interns from the US.

This short clip gives you an idea of how rough the roads were  as we traveled to and from Nyahururu.  Believe it or not....there was actually pavement on the road.  Ken-Ya Believe It!

Last week the Interns visited Marurui Primary School in Marurui Slums, to meet the director, the teachers and students, whom they will be working with for the summer (in the US) and the winter (in Kenya).  Yep!  It's winter here.  Pretty chilly at night.  Omega, Onnica and Nakisha are excited about their assignments.  The areas of focus are Christian Religious Education (I.e. Bible Study, English and Mathematics).  We serve an amazing God!  The school has given the Interns the freedom to serve "outside the box" as God leads, to ensure that they, the students and staff get the most of our the experience.  Amen!
Students at Marurui Primary School.
Last Saturday, we hosted a Welcome Sleepover for Interns.  Eleven ladies from our "Reformed" Bad Girls Bible Study attended.  The afternoon was full of fun, food, fellowship and LOTS of laughter!  Many of the ladies were up until weeeeeee hours of the morning while others turned in early.  The evening ended in true Kenyan style.....we went to bed with no power and awakened to no power.  It comes with the territory!  However, everyone was dressed, fed and ready for church, ON TIME.  Only God!
"Reformed" Bad Girls.

Stay tuned for more updates.

Get Connected and STAY Connected!

Website:     www.kenyabelieveit.org
Blog:          nolimitsinternational.blogspot.com
Facebook:  Ken-Ya Believe It


Rev. Sonia and Rev. Sonji

Welcome Our Interns to Kenya!

Ken-Ya Believe It!  The time has arrived for us to host three Interns in Kenya this summer....and we are sooooo excited about their arrival.  Two of the Interns will arrive on Friday, June 14th and the other on Sunday, June 16th.  Yep!  ...this coming weekend.  (www.kenyabelieveit.org)


Nakisha DeShields, Charlotte, NC.  Nakisha has served on three previous Kenya Mission Teams.  Her love and passion for Christ shines through in everything she does.  However, youth hold a special place in her heart.  Below, Nakisha gently washes the head of an infant, as she prepares to see the medical doctor.  This photo was taken during the medical camp in the Loruko Village, Isiolo, Kenya.

Onnica Gildersleeve, Charlotte, NC.  Onnica has served, previously, on one Kenya Mission Team.  She too has a passion and heart for Christ that is exemplified in the way she ministers to young people.  Below, Onnica is loving on an infant at ABC (The Abandoned Baby Center) at Feed The Children in Nairobi, Kenya.  (onnicaonamission.blogspot.com)

Omega Tennant, Nashville, TN.  Omega is an Anthropology Major at Vanderbilt University.  Her love for Christ is demonstrated by a genuine heart to love God's people.  She has served as a Cross - Cultural Worker in several countries.  She will join us in Kenya after having served eighteen weeks in China.  We met Omega during The Mission Society's (our mission agency) training in Huancayo, Peru.  This photo was taken as we visited some of the ancient ruins in Peru.

These three beautiful young women will serve alongside us with several ministry partners; including local churches, youth ministries, church planting ministries, orphanages and more, in Nairobi and Isiolo.  Ministry opportunities will include teaching, leading Bible Studies, assisting youth pastors, sport and film evangelism for children and young adults.  They will also facilitate Kamp Kenya.  Kamp Kenya is an international mission opportunity for youth, from the United States, between the ages of 13 and 18.  Eight youth and two chaperones from our sending church, The Park Church, under the leadership of Bishop Claude R. Alexander, Jr., Charlotte, NC, will join us in Kenya for two weeks.  Nakisha and Onnica are both active members of The Park Church.

Nakisha, Onnica and Omega attended Exploring Mission Training, at The Mission Society, Norcross, GA.  The training is "an introduction to discipleship and cross-cultural ministry".  It is under the leadership of Darrell Whiteman, whom we affectionately call "Uncle Darrell".

Please join us in welcoming Nakisha, Onnica and Omega to Kenya!

Stay tuned for updates on these wonderful women of God!  God seeks to use them, individually and collectively, in unique and powerful ways in Kenya, this summer.


Rev. Sonia and Rev. Sonji

Safe Arrival to Kenya!


GRATEFUL!   We are grateful to God for safe travel and arrival in Kenya!  

THANK YOU!  Thank you for your prayers and support as we traveled.  Thanks to each individual who called, emailed, face booked, texted or sent hilarious messages by others.  We appreciate your prayers and concerns!  Special thanks to everyone who assisted with preparation, including supplies, packing, organizing and transportation.  A very special thank you to all who met us at the airport, whether it was to assist with luggage; or to provide hugs, kisses, laughter and photography, etc.  We sincerely love and appreciate each one of you for making our transition smoother.  On behalf of our parents and families - THANK YOU!!!!!!!

THE JOURNEY!  We arrived at Charlotte - Douglas International Airport at 12pm.  Items in the luggage was rearranged and checked - in in 45 minutes!  No lines on Memorial Weekend?  Wow! We appreciated the help and commentary coming from our "friends" during that process.  Ha.......  LOL!  We prayed as a group; gave and received hugs and kisses, and a portion of the group left the airport.   We sat down to chat a few minutes with a couple of friends when several more came in and joined the fellowship.  Thank you!  We laughed a lot, shared mission stories, took a few photos and headed to the gate.  Our flight left Charlotte at 3:10pm, headed for our Newark, New Jersey connection.

We arrived in Newark with only 15 minutes until boarding of our next flight, headed to Zurich, Switzerland.  We were out of breath but able to smile for this VERY close photo, once we were seated on the aircraft.
Whew!  When we sent a text asking others to pray that we would not miss our connection, the response was "run"!   ....too funny but that's EXACTLY what we did.

Here are a few photos Zurich and the Swiss Alps.  Absolutely breathtaking!  How great, how great is OUR God!

From Zurich, we took a flight into Nairobi.  Since 2004, we have always arrived in Nairobi at night so we were very excited to arrive in daylight.  It was like arriving in Kenya for the first time.  
Here are a few photos of our arrival.

Who do you see in this photo?

Again, we sincerely thank you for your contributions to our smooth transition back to Kenya.

Here are our most pressing prayer requests:
  • That we are able to adjust to the time change quickly.
  • That all plans and preparation are in order, according to God's standards and expectations, as we receive our first team of 2013 on Wed., May 29th.  Pray for safe travel and arrival from Florida.  Pray for their physical, spiritual and emotional well-being during travel and for their time in Kenya.
  • That all plans and preparation are in order, according to God's standards and expectations, to receive our Interns in June.  Please pray for the final stages of their People Raising.  Pray for safe travel and arrival, as two Interns hail from the US; and the other from China.  Pray also for their physical, spiritual and emotional well-being during travel and for their time in Kenya.
  • Pray for the youth and chaperones who are planning to participate in Kamp Kenya.  Pray for fruitful and effective training; supernatural favor in People Raising; a speedy Visa process/return of passport and bonding among the team.
Thank you again for your ongoing prayers and support.  May God richly bless you for your service in His Kingdom!

Until we blog again.....

Serving Christ in Kenya: CarGo 14/1

We praise and thank God for ALL of our donors!  We praise God and thank you for your ongoing prayer support and words of encouragement!  The Lord has done great things for us whereof we are glad.

God is faithful and we are trusting Him for EVERY provision to do His work!

We still need your prayers!  We still need financial support!  AND we need an all - terrain vehicle!

We are in need of a CAR so we can GO.....and serve the people of Isiolo, in "the bush".  We need 14 donors to give $1,000 each to meet our goal.  Our budgeted amount is $20,000 minus the $6,000 in current donations, leaving a balance of $14,000.

We depart from the US bound for Kenya on Thurs., May 23rd and we need $14,000 in order to purchase our vehicle.  It is our prayer to raise this amount no later than Mon., May 20th.  We need YOUR help to make it happen.  Please DONATE TODAY!  All donations are tax - deductible.  Details are below.

Click on the photo above and DONATE ONLINE NOW.
Mail Tax - Deductible Donations to:
The Mission Society
Attn: Crawley/Pass - VEHICLE
6234 Crooked Creek Road
Norcross, GA 30092
*On the memo line please write:  Crawley/Pass Vehicle.

Below are several photos of "some" of the terrain in Isiolo.

Email us at kenyabelieveit2011@gmail.com with questions.


Rev. Sonia and Rev. Sonji

How Far Would YOU Walk for Water?

We have TWO exciting events planned for this weekend.  Please join us!

1.  KAFE KENYA:  Share a cup of coffee and tea with us as we share what God is doing in Isiolo.  Do you have questions about the ministry in Kenya?  Do you have questions about the people of Isiolo?  Would you like to know how YOU can get involved?  Or get MORE involved?  Bring your mug and your questions and meet us at Kafe Kenya!

2.  WALK FOR WATER:  Share in an assimilation of what many of our babis in Isiolo experience, daily.  They walk many miles to "fetch" water for their families.  Most of our babies don't have 1 pint of water to drink on any given day, compared to 80 - 100 gallons wasted in the US, per person per day!!!!!  Email us at kenyabelieveit2011@gmail.com for a registration form or register upon arrival on Saturday.  We desire your presence but our babies NEED your   p-a-r-t-i-c-i-p-a-t-i-o-n!!!!!  All registration fees will go towards the support of a children's village for our babies.   If you are unable to attend donations are welcomed. Click here DONATE NOW for online donations.  Help us raise money for the FIRST SOS Children's Village to serve the Turkana and Samburu people.

Mail Donations to:
The Mission Society
P. O. Box 922637
Norcross, GA 30010-2637
On memo line write: "CRAWLEY/PASS - 3020SUP"

SAVE THE DATE!  On Friday, May 10th, we will host Music4Life, a benefit concert to continue to raise funds for the SOS Children's Village in Isiolo.  Mark your calendars and stay tuned for more information.


Rev. Sonia and Rev. Sonji

Maisha Pamoja (Life Together) T-Shirt Campaign

Only 2 days remaining!  Purchase TODAY for your chance to win a fabulous prize. Maisha Pamoja means Life Together in Swahili. Seek Just...