Vision...Appointed Time....No Delays!

Serving cross-culturally is not just about serving the nationals in your assigned country but about serving … period!  Very often the Lord will lay a specific missionary or missionary family on our hearts to “love on” (show some act of kindness).  Living and working in a country different from the one you’ve known you’re entire life can very often be frustrating, intimidating and lonely.  Therefore, in response to the Lord’s beckoning, we’ve had the awesome privilege of “loving on” several missionaries since being here in Kenya. 

On one occasion, having met a couple that had recently relocated from Florida, USA to Kenya, East Africa, we invited them to dinner.  What we thought was a typical dinner and fellowship actually turned out to be an answered prayer.  Unbeknownst to us, the Lord (in all His faithfulness and sovereignty) sent the messengers that carried the fulfillment of the vision we wrote many years ago!  These messengers, Andre and Coline Harriott, innocently shared their testimony and work with a church planting organization.  The Timothy Initiative (TTI) is an organization whose only goal is to plant biblically sound, multiplying churches around the world. 

TTI’s strategy is to train church planters to start multiplying churches in their local community. For most people the idea of going to a seminary or Bible College is simply overwhelming. There are many factors that affect this decision: distance of travel, price, time, convenience, etc. In order to best respond to these factors, TTI starts local training centers. At each Training Center, church planters are trained to plant reproducing and multiplying churches through a balanced Biblical curriculum.
In kinship with The Park Ministries-Kenya, The Park Church, USA and TTI, it is with great joy and excitement we officially announce the launching of The Discipleship Training Center – Isiolo, March 2013!!
A Training Center is a location where the students (church planters) gather together with the designated teacher (District Leader) for about 1 year, going through the TTI Curriculum. The center could be in an already existing church building, in the teacher's home, under a tree or anywhere.   
Our goal is to plant a minimum of 25 churches in “the bush” of Isiolo by February 2014.  Training for District Leaders is Jan. 14, 2013 – Jan 17, 2013. 
Please be in prayer with us during the training, for the following:
  • Anointing, clarity and wisdom for the TTI trainers and leaders
  • Proper mindset and motive of District Leaders in TOT Training
  • Accuracy, clarity and revelation in understanding of biblical doctrine

Stay tuned …. More updates with pictures from the training to follow!  Peace and blessings

"For the vision is yet for the appointed time; It hastens toward the goal and it will not fail. Though it tarries, wait for it; For it will certainly come, it will not delay. “ (Hab. 2:3)

1 comment:

  1. what an exciting partnership! praying for blessings on this relationship and on the joint endeavors for His Kingdom!


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