The Journey Continues....

Hello there! It's a new week, full of new blessings! And with every new week, there's always a weekend to look forward to...I mean, who, doesn't love those?!

This past Sunday afternoon, the Reformed Bad Girls (RBGs - see previous post for description) convened for the second ongoing study session on sexual purity. How exciting it was to meet up with the ladies once again and catch up on how everyone was doing. This past week's study was slightly different from the first one, but it was
just as amazing!

The topic of discussion was based on building lives of sexual integrity. In this chapter, the author explained how being a woman of sexual integrity doesn't mean that one is boring, frigid and never has fun with a guy; rather, a young woman of sexual integrity is free to enjoy the excitement and fun of a romantic relationship without the
worry of compromise.

A human being's sexuality is comprised of four distinct aspects: the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual dimensions. In order to uphold sexual integrity, all four aspects ought to be balanced. To explain this further, the analogy of a table is used. The four legs of a table represent these four dimensions; and in order for the table to
stand, all four legs must be whole.

To drive this point home, the Revs came up with a neat way of practically explaining the tabletop analogy. We were all split into groups of two individuals each, and every pair was given an envelope containing a number of different items. The aim of the exercise was to create a table using only the contents of the envelope that had been provided.

The most interesting thing about this exercise was that every group had a different set of 'tools' to create a table of balance. There was one group that had a piece of paper, four wooden sticks of different sizes and some glue stick. Another group had a piece of paper, band aids and four wooden sticks. And yet another had paper, wooden sticks and two sisal ropes. It was hilarious to see how some of the tables turned out; a few of them didn't even have the capability to stand on their own!

Many lessons were drawn from this exercise. There were a few that really stood out:

• Everyone's situation is different, but God always provides a way of escape from the temptations that we face. (1st Corinthians 10:13)

• We may slip, and we may even fall in our journey of sexual integrity. Nevertheless, this doesn't mean that there is no hope of standing again. With Christ's help, we can achieve balance in our
lives once again.

• It is important to identify what leg/aspect of an individual's life is causing imbalance. In so doing, they will be able to address the issue and deal with it so that a life of balance can be achieved.

Wow..! Great insights right there, huh? Believe it or not, that was just a tip of the iceberg of how deep the discussions were. God is surely moving in that study, and all glory goes back to Him. I'm really looking forward to sharing many more interesting lessons that we're learning every week.

Until next time, God bless you!

Olyvia Kahuthu

An Exciting Journey of Faith!!!

High Shoals - Chattahoochee National Forest
Photo Credit: Sonia Crawley
Oh how I looked forward to Saturday the 7th day of February, 2015! It was the day that we would embark on a thrilling, freeing, challenging and somewhat scary Bible study that prompted each one of us, the Reformed Bad Girls (RBGs), to be 100% honest with God, ourselves and eventually the rest of the group. Before I go on with my story, I believe it would only be proper to share a brief of how the RBGs were formed.

Roughly two years ago, there was an announcement in the youth section of our morning church bulletin at Ridgeways Baptist Church, inviting all young ladies above the age of 18 to begin a study entitled 'The Bad Girls of The Bible'. The aim of the study was to get familiarized with the not-so-innocent female Bible characters and draw lessons from them to apply in our own lives. This sounded like an exciting study; unlike any of the others I had been a part I joined! Fast forward to the present, and we now have a group of young ladies who I not only consider my friends, but also my sisters.

For the past year, the RBGs have been meeting regularly, for monthly fellowships which involve catching up and sharing each other's lives and experiences, loads of tasty food, hearty laughter and of course, great insights and encouragement from the 'leaders' of our group; Rev. Crawley and Rev. Pass. Before we all jump into conclusions about why I've put 'leaders' in quotes, allow me to explain: The Revs, as we call them, have been such a blessing to each one of the RBGs (my sisters can bear me witness). In as much as they are leading the group, spiritually and in terms of organizing our fellowships, we all consider them as our big sisters in Christ. Their servant leadership qualities have served as a wonderful example. We can now safely admit that we consider them as our friends, more than anything else, really. Fellowshipping with them, and watching them 'do life' continues to be an inspiration to those of us who have been fortunate enough to interact with the Revs. It has been and continues to be such a blessed experience to follow them as they follow Christ.

Now that we're up to speed on who the RBGs are, we can get back to my main story.

During our monthly fellowship in January 2015, Rev. Pass made an announcement that we would soon begin a study on sexual purity. The book we were all supposed to purchase and begin to read before our next meeting had a very captivating title; Every Young Woman's Battle. The aim of the book is to help young ladies all over the world to guard their minds, hearts and bodies in a sex-saturated world. The journalist in me was very curious to see what lay in the 'mystery' book, so as soon as I got my hands on my personal copy, I dove right into it! And boy was I excited to see the topics that we would cover; they are very real issues that constantly affect myself and my peers.

Now, despite all my excitement, a part of me was also a bit nervous about delving into this new study, seeing as total honesty was one of the requirements to successfully complete it. I wasn't too sure that I was ready to face my personal struggles, past and present alike. Furthermore, I was a bit concerned about how much the other ladies in the group would open up and reveal about their own lives. The last thing anyone would want to be in such a setup, is judged. You wouldn't believe my shock and amazement when we had our first meeting, that beautiful blue-skied sunny morning, and secrets were revealed, struggles were shared and a few tears were shed. Yes, the process of opening up and being honest is not easy, but by what I observed that morning, it is definitely, without a shudder of doubt, worth it. God is already using this study to transform lives within the group, restore broken hearts and heal open wounds. Honestly, I cannot wait to go through the entire study, to be delivered from all the bondages in my life that I may or may not be aware of, and in turn, help others who are struggling with the same. This is one very exhilarating journey that I cannot wait to share with my sisters in the faith! God is surely up to something, and I believe it is something AMAZING!

Olyvia Kahuthu - Jesus Lover by birth, Missionary by calling, Journalist by profession!
God Bless!

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