Praise, Prayer and So Much More!


So by now you've seen the Cue Card Video, RIGHT?  (If not, check out our Blog Post for Wednesday, February 19th).  Watch!  Pray!  Give!  Share!

Well TODAY, we have awesome updates and exciting news on how YOU can join God where He's already working.  We are seeking "new" ministry partners and donors, for the Kingdom work in Kenya.   So click on the link below and read the reports of Prayer, Praise and So Much More!

The answer to YOUR question….How can I get involved, TODAY?  ….is just one CLICK away!

Enjoy!  And we look forward to hearing from you soon.


March Prayer Letter!

Maisha Pamoja (Life Together) T-Shirt Campaign

Only 2 days remaining!  Purchase TODAY for your chance to win a fabulous prize. Maisha Pamoja means Life Together in Swahili. Seek Just...