Been in the States for a couple of months now. After several conversations, we (Sonia and Sonji) expressed to one another that we had NO desire to live in the US, ever again. Actually, that's nothing new. We've had that same conversation countless times over the years.
No. We are not anti-US. We were born and bred here. We are proud to be Americans (well, most days).
No desire to live in the US but there's a life - altering training that Sonji wants to attend. And it's offered in the US. Uh-oh.
Perspective is Relevant!
Perspective Meaning:
noun. a particular way of considering something. to think about a situation or problem in a wise and reasonable way. - Cambridge English Dictionary.
Photo Credit: Sonia Crawley. Taken inside the Hampton Roads Bridge Tunnel, Hampton, VA. © 2016. |
Visited Georgia about four weeks ago. Several scheduled meetings. The first meeting turned into a second meeting because Sonji discovered the program that Sonia has been searching for. And it's offered in Clarkston, GA, USA. Uh-oh.
Clarkston is known as "the most diverse mile in America." It was designated as a refugee settlement site in the 1980's. Home to over 40 different countries.
Educate yourself on the refugee crisis. It didn't just begin. Wow! It's like living in Kenya, in America. Uh-oh!
We met the managers of the program and the director of the organization. We visited neighborhoods representing multiple countries from around the world. Needless to say we were overwhelmed, but in a positive manner. In the course of a few months, we went from hearing about Clarkston, to visiting Clarkston, to meeting people in Clarkston, to driving and walking through communities IN CLARKSTON, GEORGIA, USA. Uh-oh!
And then it happened. We sat at the elementary school crossing zone as classes ended and students departed. A plethora of nationalities exited the school. So awesome! Our guides explained that there are over 140 different dialects spoken at this one school.
Be still our hearts! Cross - cultural overload, in the best way possible. Culture! Diaspora! Diversity! Language! Backyard gardens! Community! At the end of the day, Sonia coined Clarkston, GA as "
my new happy place." She had NO idea how much power those four words would hold. Uh-oh!
Time would tell. Kairos time that is.
Now remember, we met the
director of the amazing program.
So two days later, we extended our time in the US. Why? To fundraise because
our account at The Mission Society is in a deficit - AGAIN! Sidenote to some! THE main note to us!
We need monthly donors and lump sum donations TODAY. Yep! So click and become a donor today.
Our Four Digit Missionary ID is #3020! Or give a lump sum of $1,000, $2,000, $5,000 or even $50,000. No amount is too small or too large. As a matter of fact,
we are seeking 100 new donors to give $60 per month for 18 months. Join us where God is already working in Kenya!
With the need for resources in mind, we believed the Lord was leading us to Georgia. Where exactly, we weren't sure. Although Clarkston, GA was ringing pretty loud. (
Sidenote: The fact that something is presented multiple times does not
necessarily mean its the perfect fit for your destiny. Sometimes it simply means
something came up more than once. Counterfeits may appear multiple times but clarity is found in stillness and prayer). Confirmed! We needed to be in an environment that would grant us the opportunity to network and share the ministry, with new contacts. Pray for us please! And give!
Now that our time was extended, we needed a place to live in Georgia. We posted a message on a private Facebook Page and asked a few friends to send emails. We asked if anyone had a place for us to stay for the month of June, at little or no cost, in or around Norcross and surrounding areas. And guess what? God provided. No surprise there! We received multiple offers. Within 48 hours we confirmed our new home. Check this out. A fellow cross - cultural worker sent a message, "my neighbor said he would love for someone to stay in their home while his family goes on a mission trip." The same dates we needed lodging in Georgia! Wooo hooo! And guess who it was? It was the same director we met while visiting programs and neighborhoods in Clarkston, GA. The same life - altering program we want to attend in the good 'ole US of A. Uh-oh! So we are now house sitting for the family. Where? (raise your voice about three octaves and say), CLARKSTON, GEORGIA,
our new happy place! Only God! His timing! Kairos, that is!
Just like Abram in Genesis 12:1, God showed us exactly where we had to go! Clarkston, GA, USA. So we're here…now what? We are attending meetings, as invitations are extended, and making contacts. But in the words of a wise woman spoken Friday morning…
right now you must just be. That's what the Lord has been saying to us for some time now, individually and collectively. He said, "you just
be who I have called you to
be. In your choosing to
be, you also choose to
Be still and know that I am God; in that
I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted among the earth." To human eyes it looks one way (confusing, wasteful, unnecessary, etc.) but to God it's clear, unwasteful, and necessary! Through this journey we are constantly reminded of Isaiah 55:8
for my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, declares the Lord. So we find ourselves resting in the uncomfortable, unknown, ambiguous places where peace abides as the still small voice of the I AM confirms each moment and lights the path. We are ok! We cannot see beyond today yet we are not aimlessly wandering. We are intentionally still yet moving by faith. In the words of Stormie Omartian, we have "Just Enough Light for the Step I'm On: Trusting God in the Tough Times." Yep! That's us and we are glad about it.
Perspective is Relevant!
Timing is Important….Kairos time that is….. Kairos is an ancient Greek word meaning the right or opportune moment (the 'supreme moment'). Wikipedia.
Relevant Prayer Requests:
- That we remain diligent and attentive to the leading of the Holy Spirit.
- That we do not become weary on this journey of faith.
- That we intentionally be wherever we are.
- That someone else is encouraged by this walk of faith and obedience.
KenYa Believe It's Ministry Mission Statement: To equip, empower, and transform the lives of the marginalized and indigenous for a sustainable future and a guaranteed eternity.
Facebook: Ken-Ya Believe It: Sonia Crawley & Sonji Pass